Saturday, November 20, 2010

What is it that you do?

“What’s public relations?”

It's a question that seems simple enough, but one I get asked a lot. Those closest to me who are not in the field ask, "So, what is it that you do?" With Thanksgiving approaching and family and friends coming together, I'm sure that question will be asked the same number of times as, "So, when is dinner ready?" Other PR pros may understand where I'm coming from, and may appreciate my attempt to answer this question.

In college, we all learned a standard definition: one to be memorized for the purpose of giving our career a definition, but it may not make sense to an outsider. In the words of my professor, Wally Niebauer, public relations is "communicating an accurate message to publics." And he is absolutely right. As PR professionals, we make it our expertise to communicate what is going on in a company or situation swiftly and accurately. We do not put a positive spin on a situation, (and if you say that to someone in the field, be careful of the spit that may hit your eye) but rather, tell those concerned what exactly is going on, because they deserve to know. The ability to obtain information is at our fingertips, and PR pros know better than most that the public is not completely ignorant. Information can be retrieved in a matter of seconds, so it’s very important to communicate accurate information, rather than positive information.

In essence, that is public relations: Communicate an accurate message or image to a targeted group of people. This can be done through a variety of different ways, which make up the variety of tactics a PR practitioner may use to get the message out. For example, these tactics can pitching the media as to why the story is important, writing a press release about an organization’s event, or tweeting about a new product. A PR professional’s day-to-day tasks vary greatly, but the tasks all boil down to generating a buzz and getting the word out to those who care. No matter what area of PR you work in (Consumer, B2B or non-profit) we’re all trying to do the same thing for an organization: Communicate what an organization has to say to those we think should hear it. An organization is like a person. It has a story and a personality. It has beliefs, values, a mission statement, goals and aspirations. An organization has successes and failures, perfections and mistakes, strengths and weaknesses. Public relations practitioners’ jobs are to communicate these traits to a group of people. When the organization does something good, PR spreads the word and helps rally support. Even when an organization does something unfavorable or makes a mistake, a good PR pro will be transparent and tell the public what will be done to right the wrongs.

As a PR professional, how do you explain your field to those around you? Even if you’re not in PR, how do you explain what you do as an accountant, a physician’s assistant, a graphic designer, or an environmental engineer? We should all be able to explain what we do for a living, because for most of us, it’s more than a living. It’s a passion and something that makes us tick. Its part of who we are not only as professionals, but as individuals.

So, as you’re visiting with family, friends, classmates, or someone you started a conversation with at the coffee shop over the holidays, be ready (and excited!) to tell them what you do.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's All About the Experience

This small town girl has decided to continue gaining experience in Madison! Yes, I'm here to stay (for a couple more months), and I'm very excited to continue building my PR and communications knowledge. Through a lot of thinking, weighing options and self-reflection, I decided that gaining the experience with Hiebing in Madison would be fulfilling for me at this point in my life.

Gaining experience is extremely valuable in the PR industry, and I'm going to continue soaking in as much as I can for two reasons. First, the more PR experience I have, the more qualified I will be to perform more strategic tasks, which is ultimately where I hope to be. Having the knowledge, confidence, and power to make strategic choices for an organization makes a person become an advocate and leader. Advocacy and the power to do such is what will make a difference in this world, which is what many in the field, including myself, wish to do.

Secondly, not only do I want more PR experience so I can be more influential as an advocate, but I want life experience as well. Life is all about experiencing new and different things. If you don't have any new experiences, how can you learn and grow as a person? Yes, having a career or a job may be important, but having experiences that enriches your life are just as important, if not more. I have been learning the in's and out's of marketing, PR and agency work at Hiebing, as well as developing my strengths and overcoming my weaknesses. And Madison has also offered me many experiences that have helped me learn more about myself, and experiences that have made me enjoy every day.

People need to think about what truly gives them a sense of fulfillment. This requires time to stop and smell the roses, and a little bit of internal thinking. Having a highly respected job is great, but if you're not learning or its cutting into life, is it worth it? I've learned that experiences are key to learning, growing and enjoying a career and life. You just have to decide what's important to you and what you want to gain. Experience is needed to be an influential advocate in the world, but you can always be your own advocate for what you want in your life.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well, isn't that nice?

As an PR intern, one has to do the "menial" jobs that the other PR pros don't really have time to deal with. Not that they don't want to, but they've got "bigger" jobs to do, such as planning an event for a client or coming up with a strategic way for a client to communicate with their target audience. More often than not, the Pros come up with the ideas and the methods behind the madness, and someone lower on the food chain is responsible to implement those ideas.

Well, luckily, I've had a lot of experience implementing the ideas and decisions of some truly brilliant people at Hiebing. Implementing has an actual code for billing time: 508. Some of the tasks I might bill under 508 are responding to Tweets, writing letters to contest winners, packaging up Wellness Kits for bloggers, and writing out thank you's to those who participated in a recent Twitter Party. I've really enjoyed performing these tasks, and there's something that I have picked up on about PR that a lot of people would miss unless they have done the jobs that I have. And that is: PR upholds the idea of "common courtesy" for an organization.

PR has the delightful task of managing and maintaining relationships. This includes the good and the bad, because we all know relationships aren't always perfect. But with a little common courtesy and doing the right thing, many problems can be fixed. And that can be a very fun, and rewarding job. Even being from a small town, common courtesy is definitely something that is lacking from the day-to-day life. If there's something that goes wrong and the target audience is upset, it's PR's job to make it right. This can usually be done by showing respect for the upset party and just showing some plain, old kindness. What a wonderful, fulfilling way to make a living, if you ask me.

So while it might be just code 508, or just taking care of business for others, PR pros really need to sit back and realize exactly what they are doing: just leading by example with a little care and concern for others. Who knows, maybe some of that kindness will rub off on others.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The SAHM State of Mind & the PR Profession

This week at lunch, the Hiebingites attended a Learning Luncheon, and something interesting came up as some food for thought. The notion of the SAHM -- the Stay-At-Home-Mom was just a brief mention in the presentation, but I found myself mulling it over. The "Stay-At-Home Mom" is a big target audience many different products and purposes, but the SAHM is becoming recognized as a state of mind, rather than a "profession". In a nutshell, some mom’s are choosing to stay at home, but they are doing "jobs" on the side. Ann from Hiebing said you hear it as, "I'm a stay-at-home mom, but I..." What may follow is, "but I am operating a small business on the side" or "I am head of the PTO" or "I am volunteering for a big fundraiser."

The stay-at-home mom being a "state of mind" was an eye-opening and thought-provoking piece of insight for me, as I plan on being a stay-at-home mom someday when my career is over. But this made me think, who says my career has to be over, just because I want to stay at home with my kids? I think this is an important concept for women entering the PR field who also dream of being moms. And not just having children, but mothering them. Yes, the PR world can be frantic and busy, (much like motherhood I would imagine). But being a SAHM does not mean you are restricted to the home. Pack the kids in the van and go to the park while you write your next best seller. In between writing, take a break and push the kids on the swings. It CAN be done.

SAHM as a state of mind may be a new way of thinking, but it has exsited for a long time. If one looks at women’s history, mothers were "working" outside of the home for decades. There were social and religious organizations, and other clubs and activites that were deemed “appropriate” for women. Well, these women were not just stay at homes moms. They were disussing politics, trying to advocate for change for thier families, and even coordinating a church bake sale, Even though these women did not have “careers,” these were jobs that they were doing. Words like "collaborating, "coordinating," "organizing," and "implementing" have been in women's vocabulary for generations. And now, this notion of what characterizes a SAHM has been changing for decades as more women are daring to think and step outside the box. I believe this is becoming increasingly relevant as more and more women are receiving an education and pursuing careers.

Growing up with my own SAHM, I've believed that I would have a job, and then be a mom, and that is it: A and then B. But the thought of having both A and B at the same time just never crossed my mind. Entering the professional realm has made me think about this lifestyles in a different way. And thanks to Ann's presentation, it made me think about new goals for myself, as well as encourage me to share my thoughts. Now, I am not saying all women should be like this. It is one's own choice. So young PR pro women, don’t be afraid to consider the SAHM option. Making an impact in PR world can be done while raising a loving family. It is, of course, just a state of mind.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The First Test


My first week in the PR world is over, as well as my first week of being an "adult." I already have a handful of knowledge and skills that will help me in the future as a profession, and as a "big girl."

The first week of a new job is never easy. Trying to adjust to the environment, the people, and the way things are done can be a little nerve racking. After this week of my internship, I’ve really had to rely on my past experiences and the skills I’ve learned in college. Already in the first week, I’ve gained so much knowledge that will help me in my further pursuits. I've heard how fast-paced the biz is, but I really had no grasp of exactly how busy it was. Jumping from one project to the next is the norm, and the day goes by in a whirlwind. But I am loving every second of it. This internship is already so different from any other experience I've ever had, and I will be better because of it.

Throw adjusting to “city life” into the mix, and I think I’ve come across the first test of my adult life. Madison is a gorgeous city with a lot to offer young people, families and even retirees. The hustle and bustle of the capitol only adds to the charm of the city. I’ve spent time meeting new people; forcing myself out of my shell in order to explore and experience Madison and all it has to offer.

So my first test for my first week in the PR world and the first time in the city…I have to say I have passed with flying colors. I am not intimidated and I’m welcoming the situations and challenges that are coming my way and will continue to test me. Being a PR intern in a city and overcoming the obstacles that hurdle at me is honestly what I’m looking forward to the most this summer. So this first test has told me a lot about myself and has made me realize something very important: I CAN rely on myself to get me through something, no matter what I’m doing or where I am. I can’t wait to see what else I can do this summer.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Small town girl...big time experience

This blog is about to start a new chapter. I was just recently offered an internship at Hiebing, an integrated marketing firm in Madison, Wisconsin. Madison may not be on the same large scale as Chicago, but it sure is not Ishpeming, Michigan.

In my past blogs, I've said how difficult it is to break into the PR field. It can take many months of networking, developing, and actively participating in social media before a young PR pro gets noticed and can get a foot in the door. From here on out, my career is in my hands and its is all up to me. Someone is giving me a chance to prove myself, which excites and scares me at the same time.

As I stated before in my last blog entry, I am ready. I am ready to show the PR world and myself what I can do. I couldn't be more excited about this opportunity. Its such a great chance to learn the things I couldn't learn in the classroom, as well as apply the skills and knowledge good ol' NMU gave me.

It seems good karma is on my side. This small town girl can now actually blog about life in the PR field. Stay tuned. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hello Wonderful World

Graduation. The big day came full of excitement and anticipation of walking across that stage and recieving my degree I've worked so hard for. And then the big day came to a close, and now I start my first week as a college graduate. The meaning of "graduation" is starting to settle in now that the pomp and circumstance is over. I've had some time to reflect and think about what this really means.

I realized I'll never attend Northern Michigan University as a student again (duh. but full meanings can be slow to hit me). This is a very weird feeling becuase NMU is a place that I've called "home", and having to say goodbye is a little heartbreaking. Not only am I saying goodbye to my school, but my friends and professors who have impacted me in a positive way. I am also saying goodbye to an era in my life. But I am also saying hello to a new one.

Despite these sad, nostalgic feelings, I am excited. Excited to have my degree in hand and show what I can do, and what I am capable of. I think that's the hardest part about graduating. You have to find that confidence and say, "I can do this." Life has never been more unnerving, because I do not know what will come next. But whatever does, I am ready to welcome the challenges, the upsets, the victories, and just the every-day happenings.

So, here I am. A fresh college graduate who's naive small town raising may not have prepared me for what is to come next in the vast, experienced world. But I know I am willing to take on whatever intercepts my path, welcoming it with open arms and ready to live this new chapter in my life.

Congrats to all the gradutes of 2010. Goodbye to the college life. And hello to this wonderful world

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

College Grads: Consider a “Gap Year”

College Grads: Consider a “Gap Year”

For all the graduates this year, this is a good piece of advice. Many of us, including myself, are worried. Worried about finding a job, making money to pay off those loans, buying a car, moving to a new city, moving on in life. When I talk with my friends who are also graduating, this worries are usually on the conversation list. Especially for the graduating PR students.

To be in public relations, one has to be a planner. You've got to be a person who thinks ahead and analyzes rewards and consequences. At NMU, being "proactive" rather than "reactive" has been stressed to the PR students, which really goes without saying since its already part of our personalities anyway. So for group of planners and proactive college grads entering the world, we have been halted in our tracks.

I do not know exactly what I am doing this summer. For the first time in my life, I do not have some kind of plan. I would love to land a job or internship right away, but I realize this might not happen as soon as I would like. And my fellow NMU PR graduates feel the same way. So what to do? Well, Ron Culp has given me and my peers one of the best tips any of us have received. Take some time off.

Traveling is the only way a person can experience exactly what is out there. The cultures, the people, the music, the smells, the landscapes...all of this can be read about it a book, but to actually experience these things is something completely different. I know I want to work a great job that I'm passionate for, but I think college graduates entering the world need to remember (and what Mr. Culp is trying to tell us): It's a job.

So, thank you Mr. Culp for the advice, because I know many college grads who will find it helpful.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Some Thoughts on March Madness

March Madness is coming to a close. And it certainly has been maddening for everyone who takes part in bracketology. It amazes me every year how people rave over March Madness and bracketology. And it doesn't matter what age, male, female-- there is a buzz. But this year, everyone's bracket seemed to be done and over with after the first round. I just finished watching the State/Butler game, and Butler in the National Championships is something no one saw coming.

Even though I'm a basketball fan, I tend to look at March Madness coverage a little differently. ESPN sports analysts talk and talk and talk about every aspect of the teams. Feature stories pop up all over ESPN at all times of the day. Its because of this I can see why the PR pros for a D1 college would love March Madness for more than the brackets. This is the time of the year to get a feel-good story out on ESPN, USA Today, or any other media outlet that covers the tournament hype.

And now a school like Butler is having their name mentioned more than ever in the media. If I was part of Butler's communications, PR or marketing, I would be jumping at the chance to showcase Butler's athletic and academic qualities. It makes me wonder how the dynamics have changed inside Butler's administrative walls. All I can say is March Madness must conjure some great brainstorming sessions on the best ways to showcase the university.

So, even though I'm a State fan, congrats Butler. You are helping your school succeed in more ways than one.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The 'small town' attitude towards social media

When I was in Chicago in February, I was excited, but overwhelmed to be in a big city. Chicago is so different from the U.P. in so many ways. There are skyscrapers, subways, and a lot of people. A LOT of people. And in the tall buildings, subways, and on the sidewalks, you see a large portion of these people on thier phones, whether its talking, texting or using the internet. It seems to me that you cannot exist in a city if you don't have a Blackberry or iPhone.

In the past week, I've had three discussions on technology. One of the conversations I had was with my mother and grandmother. First off, I was surprised my grandma knew what Twitter and Facebook were. I found out about Facebook when I was a freshman in college, and Twitter only about a year and a half ago, so I was taken aback that my grandma had something to say on the issue. I didn't realize what a heated and opinionated topic this was for people of all ages. The main technological debate topic: social media. And since SM is such a mainstream of PR now, I thought it would be worth discussing my thoughts on the subject, as well as what some of the "small towners" think about this subject.

To cut to the chase, social media really is a great tool, but where do you draw the line? It's amazing that you can get automatic updates on what your friends and your favorite celebrities are up to, but WHY? Why would someone really care where someone is or what they are doing at that exact moment in time. Social media sites, such as Facebook, let me see who you've got weekend plans with, what you've been up to for the day, and even look at pictures of your life for the past few weeks.

The use of technology in general may be getting a little out of hand. People who have Blackberrys or iPhones are OBSESSED with them. I see people on their phones constantly and playing with their applications incessantly, even when they are around other people. Case in point, we had a family dinner at my house the other night. I walked into the living room where my brother and four cousins were hanging out (they are all teenagers). When I walked in, they were ALL on their phones or playing with their personal iTouch. What's wrong with this picture? This is our future and their social habits, which are, quite frankly, NOT good.

SM and technology are fun and convenient, but where's the real relationship? As a busy college student I agree that this type of communication is convenient and saves me time from actually meeting up with my friends to catch up, but as a human being, we SHOULD be getting together and maintaining our relationships on a more personal level.If I wanted to know what you are up to, I should be a good friend, give you a call, and ask if you want to grab a cup of coffee. I think that people are starting to rely on technology too much to manage our relationships.

I'm sure people in the U.P. are not the only ones who have these opinions. But the U.P. is a different lifestyle, and people are not really falling for the social media hype. It's a slower-paced life where afternoons are start by walking across the street to have a cup of coffee with your neighbor, and finish with an evening of dinner with your family. In the U.P., there is no time for social media.

I think its important to keep in mind exactly what social media is. Its is a great communication tool, but its not the only one. I think every once in a while, people should take the time out of their day to call those they are close with and actually talk with them. With all these great developments with social media, and technology in general, we can't forget the importance of face-to-face interaction. There is a way we can all utilize social media in positive ways, but we can't forget to be people too.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Our little corner of the world

Important lesson learned: you don't have to be part of a large organization in order to make a significant impact on the world. It is possible to make a difference to a small group of people, because every life matters.

I would venture to say that PR involves a lot of internal philosophy.

Every winter semester for the past 3 years, NMU's small PRSSA Chapter has implemented a campaign to help a non-profit. The first year, we helped raise money for the situation in Darfur. Wishing to reach out more to our local community, last year we raised $2,200 for an organization called Voices for Youth, a "home base" for youth in the Marquette area who left home. This year, we are putting our efforts into Teaching Family Homes. This is a remarkable place about 10 minutes outside Marquette located down an isolated road. This organization teaches troubled youth what "family" means, and how to live by "family values" in hopes of someday, these kids grow up to be sufficient adults capable of raising their own loving families.

Our PRSSA took a tour of this facility, and I was nothing short of amazed and inspired. We went to one of the homes that housed about eight youth, and received a tour from nine-year-old Josh, who explained to us his daily life and what he was learning. In giving the tour, Josh got to apply some social skills he had been practicing with his "family". I wondered if Josh would have been just as sweet, kind and hopeful if he was not with TFH and their program.

TFH is building a school house on their campus to accommodate youth that are not quite ready for the public school environment. This is what NMU's PRSSA is contributing to through a Ski and Snowboard Competition (Jam for Love) and 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. Though small, TFH is accomplishing tremendous things in our little corner of the world, and as a small PRSSA chapter, its a great lesson for us to see we can contribute something too.

This has made me realize that I don't have to go to a big city to make a positive impact and do something "big" with my life. Sometimes, the small communities need just as much help, if not more than the metropolitan areas. And sometimes, the small organizations, such as TFH, are making just as much of an impact as the large non-profits. A human life is a human life no matter what the size of the region, city or organization. Making a difference in a person's life can be done anywhere.

To learn more about Teaching Family Homes and their services, visit their website at

To learn more or participate in PRSSA's fund raising efforts for TFH, visit our Facebook groups:
Jam for Love
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Or feel free to email me at or for more information.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keeping up with the "Joneses"

If there is one thing I've learned throughout my college career, its that the public relations field is hard to break into. I didn't know this when I started the program, but I thrive on a challenge anyway. As one in the field knows, its all about networking and who you know. Getting that PR job you want is also all about the experience, and tons of it.

I was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. For those of you who don't know, the UP is that strangely shaped land form that is connected to Wisconsin, but everyone thinks its a part of Canada. I decided to go to school at Northern Michigan University, located in Marquette, which is conveniently located only 20 minutes from my hometown.

It's hard to image, but there is no such thing as "urban" in the UP. No skyscrapers. No subways. People who have an iPhone are rare, and those who even have an idea of what PR is, even rarer. The UP has more acres of forest than any place should want, along with sparse towns here and there with their little shops, restaurants and neighborhoods. The largest employers found in the area are the open-pit iron ore mines and the hospitals. This doesn't generate many opportunities for young PR students looking for that great internship. But the students at NMU find amazing and creative ways to deal with this lack of experience by accomplishing amazing thing in our small community.

Because we (and when I see "we" I am referencing to the people of the UP, also known as "Yoopers") are so far away from any metropolitan area, it takes awhile for the latest trend, fashion, or popular item to catch fire. For example, when my school went to Detroit in November 2008 for the PRSSA National Conference, it was the first time we had ever heard of twitter. We kept hearing, "you must be on twitter" or "Go and tweet about this later." We all looked at each other confused, and googled twitter as soon as we got back to our hotel rooms.

So what's to be done in order to play "catch up"? For me, its listening, learning, and participating in the social media, public relations and any other trends that come around. I take advantage of every opportunity that will help me grow personally and professionally.

So why read this blog?

I find that the experience I have, as well as my perspective on the PR world are worth mentioning. Its important to know the differences in people and learning how to work with others of different backgrounds. Small town PR and its experiences are different from the experiences one would have in Chicago, New York, Boston, Seattle, or any other area that has a large population. This blog will document my small town PR experience and how I hope to use these experiences to break into that competitive, but exciting, PR world.

Happy reading.