Saturday, May 22, 2010

Small town girl...big time experience

This blog is about to start a new chapter. I was just recently offered an internship at Hiebing, an integrated marketing firm in Madison, Wisconsin. Madison may not be on the same large scale as Chicago, but it sure is not Ishpeming, Michigan.

In my past blogs, I've said how difficult it is to break into the PR field. It can take many months of networking, developing, and actively participating in social media before a young PR pro gets noticed and can get a foot in the door. From here on out, my career is in my hands and its is all up to me. Someone is giving me a chance to prove myself, which excites and scares me at the same time.

As I stated before in my last blog entry, I am ready. I am ready to show the PR world and myself what I can do. I couldn't be more excited about this opportunity. Its such a great chance to learn the things I couldn't learn in the classroom, as well as apply the skills and knowledge good ol' NMU gave me.

It seems good karma is on my side. This small town girl can now actually blog about life in the PR field. Stay tuned. :)